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CloudRadial + ClipTraining helps MSPs save time, money, resources

Get customized content for your customers, and offer job-specific training and value-added skills through video clips that have been created to provide customer training.

ClipTraining Logo

ClipTraining is a powerful self-service eLearning solution.

With ClipTraining, MSPs can effortlessly deliver customized content to their customers, offering job-specific training and value-added skills through various video clips that have been created to enhance customer training.


How this integration helps MSPs

This integration effectively addresses a key challenge for MSPs: the need to offer comprehensive training to customers while avoiding the time and resource-intensive process of creating custom content.

Streamline Training Efforts

By leveraging pre-created courses that are readily available, MSPs can eliminate the need to spend valuable time figuring out how to assist their clients with training or creating content from scratch.

ClipTraining Mockup

Minimize Support Calls

Users can quickly learn how to perform specific tasks, reducing their reliance on support. This saves time for both MSPs and customers.

Enable ClipTraining in CloudRadial

Generate Recurring Revenue

MSPs can capitalize on the value of this training by offering content subscriptions with a monthly fee.

This subscription-based model allows MSPs to establish a steady and predictable stream of recurring revenue, enhancing financial stability and growth prospects.

ClipTraining course in CloudRadial

Get full details and pricing with the ClipTraining integration datasheet

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